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Shanghai - Phuket

5 jours

1 voyage à Phuket - 5 correspondants à Shanghai

5 timings

Shanghai - Phuket

5 days

1 travel to Phuket - 5 correspondents in Shanghai

5 times

上海 - 普吉岛


普吉岛1次旅行 - 上海有5位记者


 Shanghai > 9am 12am 3pm 6pm 9pm 

 Phuket >  8am 11am 2pm 5pm 8pm

13.06 LEITE Anna 


14.06 YANG Xiao 杨 


15.06 GAMBUS Maxime 


16.06 CHEN Shujia 陈 淑佳


17.06 PETRY Cécile 

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